Frequent questions

Here we will answer all your questions


How do I choose the right size?
How do I make my Renova purchases online?
Can I wash my girdle with any soap?
Do you have girdles for men?
Do the covers or packaging have a cost?
Are they girdles made in Ecuador?
How to know the latest news from Renova?


What payment methods do you accept?
Are taxes included in the total turnover of the garment?
Do I get an invoice for online purchases?


When can I exchange garments?
Are the garments that are on sale subject to exchanges or returns?
Is the refund in money or in another product?
Can I make changes for a different color or design?
Are there any surcharges for making an exchange or return of my garment?
How long does my product have warranty?
What is the return process like?
Can you ship my Renova purchase anywhere in the world?

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