Renova Undertakes

We support job growth.

RENOVA ES MORE THAN COLLABORATORS WE ARE A “RENOVATED FAMILY”, each date and each achievement is significant; We celebrate birthdays, we hold business breakfasts and annual conventions, we participate in social events full of fun and integration.

We provide the opportunity for growth to women through entrepreneurship with Renova we provide the necessary tools to fulfill their dreams making them an active part of the economic and social sphere.

We created the opportunity to be the owner of your own business, with the development of franchises; obtaining a sustainable expansion of your brand that generates more employment opportunities and contributes to economic independence for those women who are heads of households.

We support our best employees in a state of vulnerability or who are in situations that prevent them from attending physical work through "maquilas". We need help in financing the acquisition of machinery guaranteeing the skills and resources to undertake and in turn, generating more and new sources of employment.

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